First part of this explanation.I'm Russian. I'm proud to be it. It's my nationality, my state of soul (not my citizenship). I was born in a Russian family, I speak Russian language, I recognize Russian culture as MY culture, I studied in a Russian school and in a Russian university.
The name of the country where I lived was Soviet Union. This country had -maybe- bad sides (as every country) but it had very many good sides too, and I do not want to write about it here now. I write about other things.
My second Motherland, "little" Motherland, where I passed my childhood and youth was Lithuania. I lose this country 30 years ago, but it is my "little" Motherland. I remember that language, I learned the culture of that Land, I have friends there.
Finally, before I married an Italian I lived about 10 years in Ukraine. And there I was in the moment when my country, SU, ceased to exist. So, for this reason I have Ukrainian passport and citizenship.
Second Part.Nobody of my parents and relatives live in Ukraina. My mother lives in Russian Federation. In the last period she feels bad. Not only she is ill, but she has problems with her head. Sometimes she does not understand where she is and what is she doing.
Everybody knows about "great love" between governments of Russia-Ukraina-Lithuania (I don't speak about simple,"little" persons -we have nothing to divide, really). Specially the situation with Ukraina is critical today. For "simple" persons in my situation, I mean.
So, I wanted to change my Ukrainian passport and citizenship and become Russian citizenship -to have the possibility to reach my mother if she needs my help fast and easy. I heard Putin speak about facilitations for those who wants to turn to the "historical roots".
A year ago I renounced on everything in Ukraina, closed that page in my life. And began to make the papers for the Russian citizenship. Logically I have to live in Italy with my husband, but I needed to come in Russia different times for these documents. My trip to Russia a month ago was for the other part of this collection of documents.
When I came there I learned that ... I am late. I had to come at least one-two months earlier to have the possibility to continue with these documents. If I want, I have to begin everything from the beginning, from Ukraina. It means "money-money-money..." first of all.
Third Part.1/ With Ukraina I've closed everything a year ago. I have not a place where to go there.
2/ In Russia I can't continue because my "crime" has to be punished first.
ConclusionHere, in Italy.
"Why do you cry, Billy?
Why do you cry?
Why Billy
Why Billy
Why Billy