«Делаем уборку :)» на Яндекс.Фотках
This year will be cleaner than 2009!!! Promise! I'm tired to collect and collect and collect the things!
This was the motto I pronounced after opening the wardrobe where you can find everything. Probably the clothes of our christenings too.
Did you notice this peculiarity: you free the box, the cupboard, the wardrobe -and you find it full a month or two after that? From other side, -I don't know how it is for you- I'm similar to a hamster or a squirrel. I never throw anything. "It is good, I say, it's not broken. Maybe I will need it once." Clothes, books, different objects. I know, I will never use them but I put them "in a safe place" because I could need them.
It seems, this is not only my problem. Imagine, there are persons, professionals of the house organizing. (What have those persons in their houses to need a professional house organizer???) Once I read an advise of them: you have to throw every cloth you don't use for more than one year. I had the courage and cleaned my wardrobe and bookshelves. I wanted to give these clothes and books to the persons that could need these all. But nobody wanted them. And I had to throw all that books...
It was a tragedy for me, you know. I have not this education to throw the books. But nobody wanted them.
Now I think, I have not to buy things and specially books that I need only to use them one time. If I organize everything good this year, I will not need it next time...
«9 марта....Праздник кончился....» на Яндекс.Фотках