They say, the prices in Italian supermarkets are 3000% higher than the original price of the product. And everybody becomes angry listening this number. But ones we can say some words about the expences of the shops. Here are some dates of the statistic from the supermarkets of Moscow.
Who are those persons that steal?
You are not right if you think those are nomads and poor people. Very often, rich and even very rich, respected and admired characters can't stand to take something gratis from the stands. Why? They don't want pay. Every year about 30 000 thieves are taken in the supermarkets of Moscow (mmm... it seems too low number to me). The owners spent more than euro1 miliard for security devises etc but they lose 2 miliards. Nothing to do. If you think it's only about Russia -no, I just wrote about Italy and there are similar dates about US too. Probably, it's the normal side of human nature.
What they steal?
Not only sausages, sweeties and drinks.
Here, in our zone, they wrote once about two men that wanted to steal a 5-liters bottle of wine, for example. The corageous girl-cashier was alone in the shop and did not say anything but followed the men in the street and alarmed the neighbours.
But it's a joke in confront to "professionals" that are able to take out 10 telephones, a printer, clothes (sometimes changing old and wearing new in the fitting room), make-up, drugs and baby-food.
«БРАТВА ...» на Яндекс.Фотках
Sometimes curious things happen.
One woman in Moscow wanted to steal alive sturgeon. (photo)
She put it under the clothes and went to the cash desk. But the fish began to move and the woman felt bad. All the stuff run to the desk to help the client ...and were astonished when found the reason of her indisposition.
Maybe we have not judge supermarket owners too much...