This year I was very fortunate to visit 3 seas.
I has to go home, I was in Russia and Ukraina, with my nephew and my mother.
Because we was very busy all days, and the poor boy has to stay alone in the house, my task was to go with him swimming in the evening. Sure, if it was not for this, I would never move one step, but now I'm happy to say: this year I could swimm in 3 seas!

Azov sea is not so blu as on the photo. The colour of the sea is green-braun. It is fast not salted cold and quiet. It's not deep too. You can go kilometers in some places to reach where you can swimm.

Black sea was really black the first week. Here we coud visit ше only in the evening too, but it was a splendid experience. In Sochi you can find beaches full of people in every hour. The water is more salted as in Azov, not so cold (ahhh, great!) and often with waves. It was very interesting to see lokal boys playing with the waves.

And finally Italy. Here there is a national feast, Ferragosto, the middle of august. Nobody works on this day. All population is laying on the beach. My husband has no vacation this year, so we were happy to have the possibility for swimming. Maybe it was last time for me this year...