Hematite, Hematine, Hemalyte is the name of this mineral really. It comes from Asia and Chenese, manifacturers, don't want to cut the beads because the process is difficult, the mineral is too hard, so the most beads are molded. Hematite is natural, but the process of manifacturing is this.
It is the same material that is used to make ... cast iron and to mold metals. Very interesting article about it (and photo on the left) there is in Wikipedia.
Because I complained it's bad behaviour with me, I'll write here about the "magical" qualities now.
So, if you take hematite, it protects you from astral attacks.
Bewitches your admirers.
Fulfils your desires.
Calms anger.
Helps with blood, spleen, kidneys, urino-genital system's and neural deseases, calms bleeding. (official medicine do not recognize it).
After reading this, I had very hard thoughts all the day:
why my necklace wanted to press me in the ground?????
Could it be that I'm an alien?
Hostess of the Copper Mountain