«Три сестрицы на причале,рыбаков всегда встречали.» на Яндекс.Фотках
The researchers make me cry from deep emotion sometimes. So did the last report I read an hour ago. It's about diets.
Many of us wanted to become slim as we were in our 18 years. Specially us, wemen. We dream about a special diet ecc.
About some years that we know that the diets do not work with many of us.
Well, if I stay all the day for the PC and eat only ice-creams or similar, and than between 2 of my ice-creams I make a weight-loss treatment, the diet do not work, it's clear.
Now the last research says: if your diet wants you eat only some aliments that you don't like, you can do all the necessary things -you will never have good results.
Because YOUR BODY IS A PERFECT MACHINE and knows better as you what you have to eat.
One of the researchers controlled a very great group of children. He gave them many dishes to chose from (except sweeties) to eat. He noticed: the children choosed only some of them. And when they ate these foods, they were in the best conditions of health.
Our genetic preferences of special foods are not casual. They are in the harmony with our necessities. And if we don't want to eat something is better do not eat this aliment.
You know, I hate the odour of fish, I can't stand it at all, I even can begin to vomit if my language touches a piece of fish. In all my life I've eaten only some pieces of cold-smoked fish. Than I knew that there is one aunt of my mother that has this "defect" too. I laugh, maybe I was a leopard-seal in my previous life? (for my great love for felines)
One friend of mine has the same problem with vegetables.
Well, why I say that all this makes me cry? Because we say about it all our lifes. We all know it. But because the researchers had not confirm this idea, we were named stupid ecc. And it's about any side of "alternative medicine".
Now, from today, it's not alternative but "normal" medicine.
Is this transformation not adorable?