This last period was, as you know, too difficult for me. I was sure that after the cherries time will come happy lazy summer, but after cherries I was too busy with archaeological group, ritrit and other events when I had to stay out for all the day, so that I had not time to look around me.
Now I invented these sort of e-shops to try to invent a working place for me -I need it urgently, the working place and it's impossible that I have it where I live.
I told you that I began with a blog in Italian that becomes more and more frequented with time. People like to read what I write and I hope once they begin to buy something too. Here you can see my blog in Italian. There are different free blog platforms that alow you to sell your items too. This one I like very much.

This blog is even in all most important SE. Maybe because of pings and relatively frequent articles.
Sincerely I was afraid of sending my items with post and made not so much general publicity but one friend from
ZenZuu told me his story. Successful sending with Posts story and I decided that it's good time to have courage.
The second problem here is that Italians are not very "computerized" else. Third is that the cost of the life here became too high in the last period. As in all the world, I think, my relatives tell me about incredible prices in Russia from the beginning of this year. You know, in 2007 I paid about 30-40 euro for electricity in 2 months. We are only 2 adult persons here, so we have not so great needs. Now, some days ago I had to pay 170 euro for 3 months. With low cost contract! I tell you the truth: I don't understand how survive families with children.

Well, excuse me, I repeat the same things from time to time. But it's because it became the main thought, really. How to survive? My god, it's great fortune that I have not children. The girls in archaeological group, the students, study till 30 years today!!! and it is not as was in my times, when the Country paid us all except meal and extras. But even those were at low cost. And I finished 5 years of university when I had 24, I think, and the Country gave all us working places. Nothing good as a place -just contrary of good, but we had to "pay" our debit to our Country in that way. And it was right, I think. I personally lived 1 year in the middle of a forest in Central Russia but than I run away. :)))
From other side, I see incredible prices, that differ in geometrical progression when you pass from one to other. I understand the free capitalism, but... vendors have to have some shame, as for me. Specially here, in Europe.

Now, some days ago I began to make
a site in English -about my gemstones. It is only beginning, clear, but I hope to make good one -with your advises too. There are not buttons of immediatelly order in this moment, if somebody wants to buy something, has to contact me, but in this moment of the very beginning I think it can be good so. This is a free site too. The Site Builder has some problems, so you have to control every time what you have done in the site. But generally the site is good and the owners, customer service are very brave. The only REAL problem I had with this platform in all the years I use it (and I use it for about 4 years) -you need very difficult password, because there are too many spammers there. I found once all the site full of pornography texts, bunners ecc because I had a very simple password and they could enter easily in my Control Panel. So, if you want to have a free site you, have to click on the sentence in the very top of this my page (don't be afraid, the platform supports all languages)
If you don't know about it, if you want to sell something you don't need shopping cart more (even if there are Open Source good programs too, but you need a domain name and a hosting). So, if you want to sell something from your site you can simply add
buttons of PayPal that you can have if you use this link. You don't pay fees or something, it works like Personal Account, the difference is that you can accept multiple Credit Cards payments and have different (lower) % for transactions. And -important- you can add PP shopping cart.
Now I need a "logo" for my activity. I don't know how to do it, but I hope somebody of friends will give me the code of a general banner and I'll insert there the addresses of a photo and a site.
I would be very happy if you write me your opinion and advises to become successful. I need it really, believe me.