I adore apple cakes, have 2 very special recipes that use if have great wish to eat an apple cake. One of them is this strudel.
You will say, it's possible to buy strudels in the shop. But I don't like them. They have not very good tastes, even if there are relatively good preparations among them. From other side, I don't digest additives that industry uses for half-ready foods. Than, I like ingredients that those strudels don't have.
So, we begin with ingredients.
2 sorts of apples -one of them acid (only acid apples are good too but 2 sorts is the "original rule")
flaky pastry -I buy it ready, rolled out and frozen, in the supermarket.
different sorts of nuts -just crashed
raisins -not very dry
You can change the ingredients how you like. Other fruits or even vegetables with or without meat (better if just ready)
Cut the apples in little pieces. Robot is great, but my is broken, so I cut apples with the knife. The best way in this case is to do it so, as you cut the potatoes to fry them. Put all ingredients together and mix them.
Open the sheet of pastry and lay out the ingredients on it. So much you want. Make a roll slowly! Close it's ends and cut the (deep!) holes.
Finally roll up it's own paper -this way the oven remains clean. 220° and 35-40 min.
ATTENTION! Next part is very important.
Cut your strudel at the instant you took it from oven. It will be complicate to do it when the cake is cold. From other side, if you do it instantly, you will eat it after some minutes.
As you see, the ingredients I use make this cake very nutrient not only tasty.
It's very good, if warmed-up next day in microwave oven.