I decided to visit Badia di Cava dei Tirreni, a very antique and spectacular abbey on the mountains in front of our hill, on Saturday. They have Millennium this year (the monastery was founded in 1011) and everybody who comes at 9 in the morning can visit the underground part of the abbey. You can imagine that it was mandatory for me to visit it, because it's important for my studies of the Medieval history of the region. (By the way, do you need a guide for your visit of Italy? Or a travel agent that knows the situation in Italy personally? Contact me "Travel and Cruise Deals")
There are 3 km of viewroad from the Abbey, and I wanted to make this walk till the under the mountain situating town after the visit. So, I can show you the photos of our zone from opposite side than my "regular" photos are.
The first amazing view is that of the sea and the zone of Salerno. I said you, the next sea is about 10 km far from our hill (Vietri sul Mare) and you can see a "mirage" of sea in some clear days. But here is the real "mirage" of the sea (because it's similar to fog here).
As you can see, the hills are not very high. I don't think they are higher than 700 meters over the sea.
And, finally, I can show you the hill where I'm sitting now and writing this words. If you look left from the center, there is a "trasversal" hill. It's not too high, only about 300 m but it's position allows to see the Vesuvius from one side and the sea from other side.
Well, it's the high time to begin the controls in the garden!