I could not avoid to show you some of the photos to prove my tales about Ferragosto in Italy. Read my post Ferragosto -The National Feast In Italy too.
Well, the Feast is not now, it is on the August,15 but because of the anomalous year that you are boring to read in this blog about, hot days with the temperature over 40°C continue till today and the vacations of Italians finish this evening, the TV-News say. From yesterday all are on the expressways to turn home. And there are grave accidents unfortunatelly.
But all the day yesterday the persons passed on the beach. And I want to show you the proves of my words. :-)))
Here the free beach is just behind the fence on the right:
This is the parking of the bars that are situating on the beach
Here is the other free possbibility but the beach is about 150 meters on the right with the fine sand...
We are fortunate!!!! Our place is too far and not too wanted this year!!!!!
One hour and a half to make a bath -and we have to turn home. After the 16:30 all these persons will on their way home and the queue will be immovable for long long hours under the sun that is hot till 18:00