It is clear, if you have a netbook or a laptop, you need a bag for it. You can find the exact netbook bag looking for it in GearZap. What you have to know is that there are not only simple sleeves or socks or even hard cases. You can purchase the "Bullet-Proof" hard covers with excellent shock protection if you need it. I think, very interesting are folio and book type cases. I find them very comfortable.
Very easy is to find a bag for a netbook or a laptop in GearZap because the navigation is based on the images of the screen sizes, photos of the netbook models and the recognizable by eveybody brand symbols. Other very comfortable models of the netbook cases are tech-air cases avilable in different types like briefcase and sleeve, as examples.
So, if you visit you will find many interesting and unexpected accessories for your netbook or laptop. Finally, I highly recomend you to read articles of the blog of this site with all the news of this niche of business.