Do you recognize this character? Oh yes! This is a photo of blogger's Santa that is resident in MyBlogLog.
I copied this photo without asking the permission to tell you an incredible story!
The great criminal Christmas story of Santa's adventures invented in Australia!
Hope our MyBlogLog's Santa knows something about this scandal because he is one of those "who insults women" (for those "intelligent" and "politicaly correct" persons in Sidney)! This notice from Australia was told by Daily Telegraph.
Did you hear what our Santa says in every post and message? No? Read his blogs! Here I post his "offencive" speach from today:
Ho! Ho! Ho! Everyone.
To the Santas in Sidney is forbidden to say these words because they are offensive for women, because all children are afraid when a Santa comes to them whith this words and.........because these words in AMERICAN slang signific "bad woman". (Have australians not their own slangs ?)
No comments. From my side. Every year is something like this. Finally they found something to say about Santas too. His russian brother (read this my post) is more fortunate.

No comments. From my side. Every year is something like this. Finally they found something to say about Santas too. His russian brother (read this my post) is more fortunate.