I have a family of relatives both blind so from my childhood I knoow about their problems and live. There were different specialzed schools for blind children and other organizations in USSR and my cousins were pupils of these schools.
My uncle, completly blind, had guide dogs too, but he was able to live without the dog in Leningrad that I can't understand till today. He told that there were persons that pushed him even in metro and near the autos.
Interesting fact about the dogs. They become not only eyes for the blind person, they understand to protect his friend from other persons too. And the instructors of the only school for blind men guides tell about a deaf-and-dumb blind man, that lives with his labrador for 5 years and nobody can understand how they can communicate.
Blind persons have more developed other feelings. One man, Sergej, likes to play chess,but now hw doesn't need special figures because he can feel black and white colours with his fingers. The president of the organization of blind persons says: they have 202 000 members in their organization, but nobody has this capacity.
And here is the list of Rolando of R Playground
(I'm too busy today to make photos as requied in this meme, but I like the idea)
PhotoShow: 100 Meters
1. Andy Bailey of FiddyP
2. Lalla-Mira of Lalla-Mira.com
3. Opal Tribble of VeganMomma.com
4. Pelf of Pelf-ism is contagious
5. Mike of Mike’s Photo Blog and Exit78
6. Dan of dcrBlogs