In 2,5 weeks that I was away from internet happend something new in the circle of my friends-bloggers. I open the blogs and find pratically ONLY sponsored reviews. The beautiful and interesting very personal blogs are full of only sponsored posts now. Nothing to read, nothing to see.
Don't worry. I'm not a moralist. More: I like to read intelligent reviews and sometimes look for them, when I need something.
You know that I write reviews too. From marz. I need work and it's the only possibility to work available in my zone.
Said this, I repeat: it's very sad that very interesting blogs become only review-blogs.
I hope it's temporary and these persons return to their normal way to write. Hope.
Once, when I began to write reviews, I read in one specialized site the rules to maintain the blog interesting for visitors: you have to write 1 sponsored post and 3 your personal posts. I thought, "it's not good" at that time, but I did always so. 1:3. Control my blogs if you don't believe. Today I understand: this rule is very intelligent. With this proportion you maintain your own face in your blog.
Terry in his Getting Carried Away wrote today that there are themes that he would never touch in his blog, gaming for example. I think he was inspired by my sponsored posts about casinos. I think, he has right: everybody has his/her moral breaks. No, so: everybody has to have moral breaks. In my case I would never write about violence in every apparence or about porno ecc. But gaming in it's normal condition is not a crime neither illness. So for a normal person read about casino or maybe try once can't be something grave. That is why I think it is not tabu for my blog.
Ehhh... those are thoughts of this day.