Let's begin.
1/ Begin to count days. In the way that it's like a ritual. Officially, always at the same time, with the list of "what have we prepared and what we have to do else"
2/ Paint holiday cards for guests, relatives, friends ecc
3/ One week befor the feast begin to decorate the house.
If you have children, don't be afraid to have too many decorations. For your children it's not important. Learn how to make toys and gifts yourself and begin to do them with your children.
4/ Some days befor begin to decorate your Christmas tree. Don't think about designers beauty. It's for an office, not for creating Christmas feeling that lasts all the life. Buy "special" balls ecc. Everyday new and maybe different. Create a fable of the tree.
5/ Invent some traditions. To take gifts for hare/fox/bird or to put gifts that the hare/fox/bird had left for your child in the garden. Something special. Decore Christmas tree for the birds/animals (pieces of fod as "balls")
6/ Invent a special, only for Christmas made cake
7/ Don't buy special costumes. Ears and tail or something that we "imagin" to be this or that character. It will be enough. Important is the fable.
8/ Buy many little gifts and hide them all over your house, garden, in every impossible place.
9/ If you can buy the gift you know your child can have, make a ritual to think of it. If you imagin, it will be an impossible wish, write it on the pieces of paper and hang them on the tree: "Santa will surely see it"
10/ If you want to create a feast, remember that the boys like partecipate on the adventures, the girl will be happy to partecipate on the fable. With all make up-s, clothes ecc.
11/ More noise/activity you make -more happy will be the child. If he/she sees adults with costums it will be more interesting.
Related posts:
Christmas.Soviet Union.
Christmas story of a little girl
The most beautiful Christmas songs and
Santa lives in Finland! both written by Leena
The list of Leena's friends:
in the post Get abroad the Linky Love Train
Ivy form Chuvaness....Chakaness....Eclavu..., Meghna from Delve into the Mind of A Budding Blogger, Jenny Mannion from heal pain naturally, Cyn from It's a dog's life, jamy tan from Seaykopitiam and Tanny from Tanny's Blog.