Poll (America)
More than one-third of us say our most difficult self-discipline challenge is weight.
And so, we begin with the advises:
-fruits ans vegetables and fresh made fruit juice for breackfast. Nothing coffee or tea - till 15:00
(Mmmm... I drink them to wake up...)
-have only 1 plate for meal (oh yes, I make only 1, but about 1-2 kg)
-begin the meal with vegetables -fresh or cooked- or fruits -in this way they are more gigestable.
-eat in a quiet place, sitting
-a few salt
-do not eliminate completely fat
-more legumes
- it has to be only food that you need for your diet in your house
-in the grosserystore you have to go with the written list to buy
-ecook frozen vegetables if you don't have time for those fresh