Target is a superstore and has everything we could wish in one place. That is why we like them, superstores. Target superstore is so beloved by adults and children because it has many attractions: the goods they sell are numerous, include everything normal family uses in it's everyday life and they are modern and most up-to-dated if we speak about different kinds of devices we can't live without more. But Target is special and Frugal Dad knows it: there are many different promo codes and deals there. This site, Frugal Dad, collects infinite quantity of deals all over the world of shopping but they have special passion for Target.
In fact, if you open the page of Target in Frugal Dad, you will see an entire list of deals and coupons. What is precious -they have expiring date, too. If you look sometimes for coupons in internet, you could notice that they have not this peculiarity. And it happens very often that the site was not updated for years. I, personally, had this problem about a month ago when my husband wanted to find something for his animals online, and I had to look for it since he has not time for internet. Well, I found the thing but could not order it. So, I wrote a mail to the company. That company, and it was the first for me, answered the same day and they said me they have not this object: the site was old and was not updated more. Imagine what was happend with the second company: they accepted the payment but ...had not the item. Fortunatelly, they turned my money back in some days. But I had really bad period till the problem was solved because the thing my husband looked for was expensive enough.
This is the reason the expiring date is very important for the coupons and deals. If you find it, it means, the coupon is updated.
So, the falls like that I described here can't happen to you with Frugal Dad because they update the site "in real time", literally. They have a passion for the coupons themselves, and that is why they do this work with great passion. And that is why you have to bookmark this site: do not forget to open it different times a day when you look for something, and it's highly probably that you will find new coupons in it.