I wanted to advise you 2 programs for your fotos
1/ "Picasa" to download to your PC and to modify your Photos (you can do them better as they are originaly).Here you see original Photo and the same Photo modified with Picasa
2/ http://www.flickr.com/ to have your photos with internet-address to put them where you want.Here on my photos
a/I take the photo in my PC(the boat) and cut a piece I want with Picasa(cat)
b/I upload the modified photo (the cat) to Flikr and there I can have very small---large photos.For example you want to have a little personal photo of the cat in one site.
These are the best programs I could find (my friends have advised to me).Gratis.
If you need help with these programs,write to me,or chat with me.