Yesterday I had much time till my shift in museum where I had to go in the afternoon this time, and I decided to pass through the main street of Vietri to make some photos to show them to you here.
The costal unique road you can see on the hill on the right of the photo. You can reach Naples if you go this way from Salerno, too. The road is spectacular in a sunny day because many parts of it are not so "flat" as that you see here but precipitous, on the rocks.
The town is known as a place where most part of population works in ceramic studios. I made many photos and collected them in a slide-show to make the post not so "heavy". If you want, you can watch them, if no -not.
What do you see here?
The main streets are full of ceramic shops. Every shop is an other studio. For the doors you can see the best work of this studio -a picture in ceramic. There is a big fabric that you see on one of the last photos representing a square in front of it (in the background). All they are very colorful. Prices are for stupid tourists, it's clear. More or less the same you can buy in other places at half price. But the look of the town is very interesting. You find ceramics everywhere.
Here a picture in ceramic.