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Friday, March 20, 2009

How Many Shrouds Of Jesus Of Nazareth Do You Know?

I wrote news about the Shroud of Turin in this blog (The Shroud Of Turin) about a year ago.

I like to read how the modern science restores the events happend centuries ago. There was, except shroud, Is there a difference: we and Neanderthals? More about Ötzi too and Sparta, Leonidas and false legends (excuse me, there were many spelling errors in that posts but I have not time to correct them)

Now I learned about an other interesting thing. Did you know that exists the second shroud of Jesus of Nazareth?
"a bloodstained cloth, measuring c. 84 x 53 cm"

Here is a quoter from Bible (in Russian, I'll try to translate something) from Wikipedia:
Евангелие от Иоанна, глава 20, стихи 6-7: "Вслед за ним приходит Симон Пётр, и входит во гроб, и видит одни пелены лежащие. И плат, который был на главе Его, не с пеленами лежащий, но особо свитый на другом месте".
The Gospel according to John part 20,versus 6-7
"after him enters Simon Peter and sees only shroud(s -plural in Russian). And the cloth that was on the head, not together with the shroud(s) but twisted in a special way in an other place."
If you know how it's correct in English, write me, pls.

So, according to John, there are different shrouds and a cloth.

What I heard yesterday, that the cloth has identic with the shroud of Turin blots. It was twisted like a turban on the head of a person that had one arm up. A human, with blood AB that is usual in Palestine but rare in Europe, dead in upright position, wounds on the head are so that the person had a "hat" of needles.

By the way, Jesus had not a hoop of needles but the "hat" because the crowns were similar to hats in that period. (compare on the photo Monomakh's Cap)

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