The life of a paesant is not very good: for his hard work he becomes coins -if becomes something. If you come too late with your vegetables, the buyer can catch you away.
We have only some trees of early cherries now and they are not very high: about 4-5 meters, so now we have not very hard work. But we had old trees before and they were about 20 meters high. It was hard experience to pick up cherries at that time, believe me.
Today the times are chaned. Cherries from Spain and Apulia come earlier in the markets as as compared with ours. And they have dwarf trees 2 meters high -there is not problem to work with them... So, when our cherries become mature, nobody wants them more. And if you want to pick them up one day later, you can leave them on the tree better as risk your life picking them up -and return them back home to throw them.
I say, it's a pitty that the zoo in Naples is closed. I could find work there as a monkey. You have to see me on the trees, what I do! In my venerable age!
Here you can see great part of the family at work.