I love this plant from the first time I've seen it many years ago. It was an enormous plant in a shop with great windows. It occupied half the shop and was full of the orange bell-flowers. It was similar to a Christmas tree with all it's toys. But here it was natural. Splendid, excellent and fantastic.

Different years ago I bought seeds of abutilon in LIDL. Normally I'm not happy with seeds but that time all the seeds created plants. I was incredibly happy and left for me rose, yellow and orange. After some time I discovered that they don't want to grow. I began to read about this plant and knew that there are many different sorts. And MY abutilon does not grow.

If you want to grow abutilon you have to remember that it's favourite food for many parasits. This time I'm fortunate that they are not ill. I only feed them with a good fertilizer. And so, as you see they are very happy.