When I was a little child my parents were fans of Robertino Loretti. They had an impressionant quantity of big and havy black discs with registrated voice of this boy and this songs resounded every day in our house. Who knows, maybe it was the first step when my life turned in Neapoletan direction. :0)))
I found that songs in You Tube now but it's unpossible to incorporate them in the post. So, if you know this crystal voice and love it, or if you have never heard it, click on the links in the bottom.
There is written "(born in 1947) is an Italian singer, mostly known for songs he performed as a teenager." I don't know if Signor Loretti is a singer today too. Sincerely I've heard about him not more than 1 time in all the years I live here. After he became a teenager and his voice changed he never was so popular more as I know.
I don't know if it's true, but it seems to me that there was a usage in this region before Caruso to castrate the boys that had nice voices to preserve them in the years. Robertino Loretti seems to be fortunate to born in the period when it was not be in use more.
O sole mio-Robertino Loretti
Torna a Surriento
Santa Lucia
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