I read the first notice in russian press, than began to look for more info about it. Now, look, what a beautiful list I collected!
Blogger Radu-Christian Fotesku liked to hear one radio station. He listened to it for many times till one day the station was impossible to hear more because the team changed a link. From that day it was possible to listen to that station only after some publicity. Radu was able to know that hidden link and published him in his blog for everybody. The team began legal proceedings against blogger for copyright violation.
Russia. Kazakhstan
A group of one forum visitors will be prosecuted for slander against governor of their region (Vladimirskaja region)
Kazis Toguzbajev(58 years old) in Kazakhstan will pass 2 years in prison for critic of the president.
Similarly bloggers from Italy and USA had to be processed for slander in their comments. They were more happy because the judges could not confirm those bloggers were authors of that comments.
One of the most popular bloggers of the country Wang Xiujie (35 years old) and ex-broker gave financial counsels to the people. He will be processed because had not license for this work.
Other chinese blogger wanted to make photos of a spontaneous manifestation for his blog. The police inspectors beat him till death for it.
Wanted extradition of one popular Russian blogger Aliosha Mirnyj because he wrote in his blog bad things against Estonia and asked to begin a war against government of this country.
Blogger-muslim Abdel Karim Sulejman was condamned to 4 years of prigeon for critic of Mubarak and insulting of Islam. Sulejman wrote posts against muslim extremism.
2 Chinese-bloggers were condamned to prigeon and penalities for rasist posts against Malaisians
The international organisation "Reporters without borders" (think we have to know the organisation that is fighting for our rights, so I ask you to visit this site) nominated Egypt, China, Belorussia, Saudi Arabia among 13 countries "enemies of internet"