This is a theme that I find today in different "dimensions": the rich persons that don't want to pay anything they have to pay and the poor persons that pay everything they have to.
Yes, I have this experience too. Once I had 2 girls that visited me for private lessons. The girls were from different families. One was the daughter of my neighbour that was owner of her private law counseling firm, the mother of other worked in an office. I had not very high pay for hour even if it was high enough for a person like the mother of the second girl, but she paid me regularly. My neighbour did not want to pay. She said me always she has not so little sum that she had to give me. After about 6 month I had to send these girls home because I could not allow me to work without payment.
Now I received a letter from a good friend that organizes special meetings. He writes the same in his mail: the rich persons that want to visit these meetings don't want to pay them. These persons live in the most rich places of his city and have most high salaries. But they never want to pay the relatively little sums for rental room where the meetings take part. The most interesting is, writes my friend, that the poor persons that visit these meetings had always paid all the sum, that is too high for them, without asking about more low prices.
Now I read a report about Google Italy. They say, the company avoided to pay taxes for different (5) years that reached 240 millions of Euro.
Do you know, why rich are rich and poor are poor?