If undisturbed, I can read days and nights. If the book is good, I read it till the end without thinking about hours. My family normally accepts it if there is nothing important to do.
When I worked I had not time to read because I was too busy. Specially I had not time to read in other languages. Because I was a teacher of foreign languages, and at that time had not many possibilities to speak with persons coming from other countries, and the TV has not foreign chanals, I had to read books. I had many splendid books in German and some in English too. But was always busy to read them. What to do?
I resolved the problem in simply way: I read when I ate. You need some time to eat. Suppose, about 30 minutes 3 times a day. In this period your eyes are not busy. So you can r
Some persons can read in the bus or other transport, but I can't. I feel very bad -giddy, sick. So this solution was not good for me. The only time I had for it was the time when I ate. Nothing to do.
So, I cutivated this habit at least 10 years. Maybe it was not so good for health as some doctors say, but I had not other possibility. And it was very sly solution too. We don't like the complications. If I ha to read a difficult book in other conditions, I would maybe never finish even one of them. Because I would read it with a dictionary and woud translate every word I did not know. In this way I would never have enough patience to arrive at the end of a book.
But the situation I created was perfect. Because you read without a dictionary -and the brain has to use all it's resources to understand. Well, I had a big enough dictionary in the head, but we rarely use all we have in the head.
Mmmm... The problem is that now I can't eat if I do not read. My husband wants to eat "together" with me, and he doesn't like a book in my hand when we eat. ;-) Imagine, I feel so that the food I eat canot be digest if I don't read when I eat. And now I have to read even if I don't want it.