In this post I wanted to show you only some of the pictures that is possible to admire in Herculaneum in free access today (when I was in the excavations of Pompei last time some years ago, everything interesting that remaind there was closed, and was possible to access the inside parts only if you pay the guide).
If my PC will allow me, I'll make slide show with more photos later. I could not do it now.
These 2 are the two walls of one room. If you look attentively on the second photo, you will see very interesting subject AROUND the main picture.

These other 2 are not from a private house but from a public building. And there are beautiful images on all the wall, not only in the center too.

These last are from the houses of the persons. Clearly not everybody could allow something like this but the pictures are from different houses. The first is that I love most of all others. The style I prefere.

This one is incredible: the bird reflected in the water! Quails are very common birds here. The hunters kill them till today on our hill. And I've heard it's voice this year too.

Read more about the art in the houses of Romans in these posts:
Pictures On The Walls In Herculaneum/ Ercolano 1
Floors If The Roman Houses 2
Decorate Your House With Bás-Reliefss And Sculpturs 3