I saw now the rests of one of my roses and remembered what is happend this summer with my plants. I passed 2 months in Russia and all them remained without cures in the hotest period. My husband don't like flowers and other ornamental plants and had not time to water them.
So, when I turned back I found my plants (those most resistant) alive but in very bad conditions. I began to water them, but it was too hot for about 2 weeks else. And ... all those plants dryed in some days.
Incredible. They had to began a new cycle, I thought, but they died. In a couple of days.
Now I think, it was my mistake. I had not to water them. They were in the "state of conservation" for hard period and when they received water they thought this hard period was finished, but it was not so. Next 2 weeks were worse as all the time befor. But the organisms of those plants went out of the conservation state -and were killed at once.
So I explained to me what is happend.
Now I think about the ability of organisms for survival. Maybe the process of evolution too. It's too slowly. Why? Why are we not progected to survive in the fast change of events? I think every creature is provided with all it needs. But why we are not thought for this important thing too?
Maybe you know responces? Am I right when I think so?