My dear friends, I'm now on the way to last step to open my e-shop.
About a week I did not other as count, recount, research and research and research more. Now today I finally ordered what I will post in my e-shop. Everything about healing.
Now I have to organize the shop-site.
Nothing to do, I have to pay hosting. I found open-source ecommerce card, but it's unpossible to use it without a specialized hosting. I found 2 good free hostings, but to use them I have to be an expert programmer. And I'm not. I know to use HTML in some cases, but I'm not able to create/change code of entire site and insert there a software. So, if I want to do it, I have to pass to a paid specialized in ecommerce hosting that has visual redactor.
The problem with this is that I have to deal with them for 2 years to have a good price.
I think to offer something in eBay to make me know by persons.
I write articles for italian sites every day.
Now I have to think about good marketing strategy. I have to be successful. It's my only chance to have a job. Maybe I have to begin with my psychological training: "I am successful. I am successful." Eery day 100 times a day.
Maybe somebody of you has an advise for me?