"Chakras and Semi-Precious Gemstones" is the theme I choosed for the first compain of my new project, a shop of healing semi-precious gemstones and other natural healing things. Thanks to all you who gae me this idea when I could not find a theme to begin to work.
Now I'm on the way.
I found an interesting supplier and learned many new things about different treatments using stones. Not only gemstones but simple stones too.
I want to begin with Chakra-sets: collections of tumbled stones corresponding 7 chakras or other number, because there are different practices.
Than I want to order semi-precious gemstone jewerly like necklaces, bracelets, rings and earrings made in different stones. I could sell them one by one or make sets.
I want to help persons to learn what is necessary to do with these stones, how to treat them, to purify them and if somebody wants I could make rituals and recite mantras and sutras before I send the stones to their new owners if they ask me about it.
So, why I'll be different from others, because I will offer personal help on every step. Support them with email mini-courses and newsletters with advises and supplier's news.
Second part of my order will be other healing things.
I found a treatment I knew many years about. Those are ear candles made from herbs. Sincerely I hope to use them myself. From some years I have problems with hearing. I hear sounds but I have problems to distinguish the words. So, I wait for my order very much, because I hope these are those candles I heard many years ago.
I told about them to some of my friends and they wait for the results of my healing because many of them have problems with ears too.
And than, they say this treatment helps to open "third eye". Is so powerful, that there open 4 third eyes :)))
Other healing treatment I want are tibetan healing incenses. Made from the Himalayan herbs and Herbs from the mount Everest too (one of this incenses).
Finally the last thing I wanted to have in my shop are fragrance stones. Sleeping stones I want to order. You put them in a plate when you go to sleep, mix them, and they relax their fragrance for some hours when you are in bed to help you with the good sleep.
This is what I want to order this evening. I have to count very good before I do it, because I have not to make errors.
Sincerely, I'm very afraid. I'm afraid I've made not right choise, I will be not able to sell... Many things. But I have to begin.