Christmas is in Italy an interesting feast. I would say it is similar to world soccer championships in the days when Italy plays. You find nobody in the streets in evening, all are in the family. There are large family meetings this day and "cenone" -great all family supper.
One of the traditional italian Christmas meals is Cotechino (kotek'ino). I think there are not so many families that prepare it in home today, there are many half-ready solutions. I bought one for me too, and here you see some photo to imagine what it is.
Cotechino is very fatty. Normally you have to put the entire pack as you see it on the photo and boil it in water and when ready, open it and add to lentils. I'm afraid to eat fat, so I open the pack and wash off all the fat. Than I cut it in pieces and prepare with tomato sauce. It remains still very fat, but... I eat it once-twice a year. ;-)))