Everibody of us likes to look in the mirror. Females look everywhere they can see their reflection. Men prefere the mirror of their car, I think. I noticed, men in a car forget everything, even to look at the women walking on the street, when they notce own face in the mirror of their car. It's very interesting to look at them in this moment.
As in every good thing in this world, scientists find a bad "but" if they know we like something.
Did you know that the process of looking on your own face in the mirror can be very dangerous for you? No? Well, I open you the results of a research about it. The most interesting is that these researches were made in different countires US and Russia among them. I can't explain you what is so attractive in the reflection in the mirror, but it's a fact.
So, here are some most entertaining results:
Persons who like to observe themselves in the mirror advance in age visually faster. Worse is it for narcissists. And it is the known fact too. But it is not finisced here. They have even the shortest life as other persons. They say that the mirrors are energetical "vampires"...
Think twice before you look in the mirror!