It's a very popular feast in Russia: Old New Year.
This tradition remains from the time when zar Peter I changed the old calendar to that, used in all Europe in the period. I think so.
In fact, the orthodox Christmas is on 7 January and New Year on 14 January. The Church did not change it's calendar (because had problems with that zar) and so Russians become this happiness to possess twin-feasts (who recognize them).
Now there are other feast period (6-19 January), Christmas-tide, I think. Sincerely, I don't know what it is, I remember only, when we were students ( and recognized ALL holidays), this period (holidays) we finished in middle of February or March. So, I believe, that after 19 there is something more.
In the last years many person add to the list of pagan-orthodox-catholic feasts fascinating buddhist New Year (maybe following the Chinese calendar but I'm not sure). So the life has to be all infinite holidays.
I have normally my "Christmas-tree" till the Old New Year" so tomorrow I'll say good-bye to it.
And you, what do you think about this great period?