This day is for me full of notices about health. So, I'll tell you them in the form of a list if you don't mind.
1. Did you know why are we all sooo over overweight? Because we follow tips of doctors. (it's my own opinion)
They say, when a person is stressed, has problems, has low opinion about own capacities and other similar things, it provokes lowering of the glucose level in the blood. This provokes lowering of determination and of decision to make others value ourselves.
What to do? Drink a glass of lemon juice with sugar.
And we eat and drink sugar because our blood needs it.
And become overweight.
Because the life is so that we are always stressed.
2. Do you like tea or coffee?
If you like coffee, you are a person that doesn't know to take pleasure from the life.
Because these drinks have different cerimonies in our mentality (unconsciously): we drink coffee fast and we drink tea with pleasure.
So, if you prefere coffee, stop a moment! Relax and enjoy the life.
3. If you are a woman, you have know, that the health of the woman is mostly unified with meals.
Are you pregnant? Eat all sorts of nuts, olive oil, maize oil. They are full of vitamin E.
In any age: Love Lactobacillus Acidofilus (and yogurt). It's good not only for your bones, but for bacterial flora too.
Vegetables and fruits of red, orange and green colour are good for your skin, heart and are useful if pregnant.
Finally after 50 eat soy for climax-problems.
4. Do you know that flu-virus has a fat-cloth. When the weather is cold, this cloth melts outside our body and we don't become ill in summer. When it's cold outside, the cloth of flu-virus melts only in our nose or throat and we become ill.