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What changes in women with time, when milenniums pass?
The idea to confront the faces of women of all art styles was in my head from the spring, I think.
Today I saw the Venere di Willendorf and decided to make the first confront not of the faces but of figures. It will be better if you see them from the bottom to the top. From Venere to the modern girl.
When I saw the figure of the Venere I thought: this is a portrait made by a man. He didn't see the face of his love. He was impressed by other parts of her body.
Than I saw the portrait of the Etruscian woman. This is the sculpture from her tomb. I thought: after that Venere this woman seems to be a little too thin, maybe it was the reason of her death.... but when I arrived to the modern girl, I don't understand now how can we survive with this body?????
And what do you think?

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